On Thursday February 20th, 2025, Senator Joanne Benson along with a panel of witnesses introduced the Harriet Tubman Community Investment Act to the Education Environment and Energy subcommittee in the senate of the Maryland General Assembly. This subcommittee determines whether the bill will move on to the joint committee for voting.
The hearing that took place on the 20th was very impactful. The panel consisted of 4 citizens of Maryland, one of which was the mayor of Cambridge as well as Angela Wilson, a descendant of Jesuit enslavement in Southern Maryland. Their vivid testimonies emphasized why the bill is needed. Senator Joanne Benson began with a powerful testimony talking about her experiences with racism and talking about how this bill would help right the wrongs of the past. The Senator also talked about the other states with similar bills. Next, two members of The American Descendants of Slaves Advocacy Foundation gave powerful testimonies emphasizing the historical impact of slavery on Marylanders today and the importance of the Bill in the state. The last two to give in person testimony were Angela Wilson and Mayor Lajan Cephas, the Mayor of Cambridge, who highlighted the support of her constituents. Angela Wilson spoke passionately about what she has learned about her genealogy and history as a descendant of Jesuit enslavement, making a powerful argument for reparations due.
Senator Joanne Benson, Jordan Chadwick, and Joanne Braxton
The testimonies were well received. Maryland public access television was in attendance, interviewing members of the testimony panel. The Braxton Institute is proud of the leadership shown by Community Fellow Jordan Chadwick, descendant Angela Wilson, a friend of the Braxton Institute, and consultant Nicole Oxendine, who witnessed and documented this historic occasion. Dr. Joanne Braxton, a descendant of the Harrison family enslaved at the Montpelier plantation is Laurel, Maryland, was not present, but submitted written testimony, to be included in the record.
Angela Wilson, Jordan Chadwick, and Nicole Oxendine at the Maryland State Capitol