Reparations Team
Core Leadership Team:
Joanne M. Braxton, PhD - 4th generation Legacy Lakelander, William & Mary Professor Emeritus, President of the Braxton Institute
Richael Faithful, Esq. - Healing Justice Practitioner, Braxton Institute Co-Vice President
Maxine Gross - a Legacy Lakelander, founding chairperson of the Lakeland Community Heritage Project
Rebecca Ann Parker, DMin - Counter-oppressive educator and author, Teaching Board Member, Braxton Institute
Supporting Team Members
Key Collaborators
Mindy Fullilove, MD - Author, Root Shock and Urban Alchemy
Clara Irazábal-Zurita, PhD - Director of Urban Studies and Planning at the U of Maryland College Park
Mark Osler - Reparations Advocate. Board Member Emeritus, Braxton Institute
Charkera Ervin, JD - Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center Organizing Collaborative, Howard U
Commissioner Edmund Ford - Reparations Expert
Bi'Anncha Andrews - Community Organizer, Social Worker, Doctoral Candidate in Urban and Regional Planning & Design