Reparations for Lakeland Now!
About the Campaign
The Reparations for Lakeland Now! campaign seeks justice for the historical harms inflicted on Lakeland, Maryland. Founded in 1905 and forced to incorporate in the City of College Park in 1945, Lakeland was once a vibrant African American community. Lakeland was devastated by 'Urban Renewal' in the 1970’s and 1980’s, losing 104 of 150 single family dwellings.
5 Pillars of Community
Lakeland once embodied all the pillars of a healthy urban environment. Founded as a self-sustaining town, its citizens worked together over generations and built five pillars of a healthy urban habitat. Together, the Lakeland community created an atmosphere of trust and respect, ensuring the well being of all.
“We were loved, we were safe.” ”
As one descendant recalled, "We were loved, we were safe." This sense of belonging and security was the cornerstone of Lakeland's vibrant community.
The Reparations for Lakeland Now! campaign calls for Lakeland’s Five Pillars of Community to be restored. These pillars include:
Housing - Affordable, build with character, self-built
Nature - Lake, woods, yards, gardens, livestock
Learning - Excellent and culturally-appropriate schools, value-based youth organizations
Gathering - community spaces, picnics, parties, vibrant organizations
Connectivity - economic exchange, black-owned businesses, public transportation.
5 Strategies for Repair
Seeking reparations for the harms inflicted on Lakeland is a moral and spiritual imperative rooted in cessation of harm - the first principle of the UN's reparations framework. Informed by community dialogues, our strategies include:
Community Benefits Agreement
Advocate for the City of College Park to adopt a CBA that gives Lakeland a voice and allows Lakelanders to benefit in any future development, following the model of Erie, PA.
Cessation of Harm
Partner with campus organizers at UMD to demand the university's official acknowledgement of its role in Lakeland's devastation. Engage other direct beneficiaries, like state agencies and WMATA.
Recurring cycles of harm and displacement in the present that flow from the injustices of the past must be addressed and stopped.
Enforcing Zoning LAws
Ensure the City of College Park enforces existing zoning regulations to prevent illegal conversions of single-family homes into student rentals that disrupt the restoration of Lakeland.
Reclaim History
Advocate for protecting pre-1980 buildings and height restrictions. Launch a campaign for residents to learn about their historic conversation rights, preserving Lakeland's legacy.
Regain Access to Public Spaces
Explore avenues to regain visual and physical access to the 52-acre lake area that was once a community anchor.
Progress and Impact
On Tuesday, January 23, 2024, the Restorative Justice Commission of the City of College Park formally acknowledged its collaborations with the Braxton Institute. Since then, we've made significant strides in our campaign for reparations for Lakeland. Through town halls, book clubs, community dialogues, and healing spaces, we've deepened understanding of Lakeland's history of resistance and the importance of reparations as a path to peace. We've integrated a trauma-informed lens into local leadership development and forged a consensus on the Reparative Action Priorities, outlining the next steps for our campaign.
A milestone achievement: From Harm to Hope
We're thrilled to announce the upcoming publication of “From Harm to Hope: A Documentation of the Fight to Survive Urban Renewal and Exclusionary Development in Lakeland and the Search for Solutions.” This comprehensive report will provide a valuable resource for Lakelanders, the Restorative Justice Commission, and those working on future harm assessments. While it's a preliminary look, we believe it will contribute significantly to documenting the harms experienced by our community. This document is now under review by leaders of the Lakeland Community Heritage Project.
Building National Connections
Lakeland's reparations movement has gained national recognition. We've been invited to participate in three national reparations convenings, including the recent First Repair gathering in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was honored to serve as chaplain and spiritual caregiver at this event, connecting Lakeland with reparations leaders from across the country.
Get involved
Become a part of the Reparations for Lakeland Now! campaign and help us create a more just and equitable future for our community. There are many ways to get involved, including:
Donating: Your financial support is essential to our efforts.
Volunteering: Lend your time and skills to our various initiatives.
Advocating: Spread awareness and advocate for reparations in your community.
Attending events: Participate in our town halls, workshops, and other events.