Our Mission


The Braxton Institute gives priority attention to those in historically underrepresented or displaced groups and communities; we promote sustainability for those whose identities mark them as less valued by the dominant society. Through research, education, and direct service we facilitate the development of specific skills and techniques that increase and sustain personal resilience and leadership for those engaged in social justice service to humanity—activists, educators, ministers, physicians, nurses, veterinarians, police officers, firefighters, soldiers and others, especially those affected by multiple and intersecting forms of oppression. We document and publicize our research and commitments through the creation of archives, curriculum, and the accumulation of quantitative and qualitative data for the production of books, other media and evidence-based study.

We affirm human ecology and diversity in all its forms, including race, gender and gender expression, ethnicity, sexual preference, physical ability, and religious affiliation or lack thereof. Our goals include authentic ecumenical, inter-religious, multi-faith, multi-cultural and multi-racial community-building, leadership development among at-risk populations, especially young people, and a greater understanding of the ways that perceptions of race, ethnicity, poverty, sexuality and sexual preference, gender and gender identification and subtle and overt forms of discrimination influence personal and professional life.