Welcome to the new monthly Braxton Institute blog space!

“What’s the Braxton Institute?” I am often asked. A ministry of teaching and healing, our purpose is to foster a more just, joyful and sustainable world. We are people of color led. We offer dialogue about faith traditions and the ways that understandings of difference influence personal and professional life. We bring voices from the margins to the center. We stand in our own truth as we know it, for each person carries a spark of the Divine.

Our theme this season is Repair, Transform, and Thrive, with a focus on Reparations -- land and money-- for harms done to Black and Indigenous peoples, Wellness for black clinicians and thought leaders, and Thriving for trans and non-binary lives in an increasingly dangerous world. With this, we introduce our monthly blog space to spread awareness of our life-changing work. The first in the series is “First Federal Reparations Gathering, August 2023." The Braxton Institute was there!
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