The dual pandemics of Racism and Covid-19 triply impact Black health care providers who bear the stress of caregiving while they themselves suffer from racism, sexism and homophobia. Our Board of Directors is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a CARSS Rapid Response Grant for “Tree of Life: Black Faith Matters in a Time of Dual Pandemics” from the Center for African-American Religion, Sexual Politics, and Social Justice at Columbia University. Our project was one of sixteen recipients in this grant program made possible by the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation.
The mission of The Braxton Institute centers helpers and healers with historically minoritized identities. “Tree of Life: Black Faith Matters in a Time of Dual Pandemics” will enable health care providers of color, racial justice activists, spiritual care givers and faith leaders to engage with one another to articulate emergent struggles, hopes, resources, and questions for Black Faith as a wellspring for their sustainability in this critical time. This process will identify new critical questions and creative evolutions of Black Faith important for the fields of Africana Studies and Religion, with specific application to the work of clinicians of color and spiritual caregivers in the face of Covid 19 and the current uprisings for Black Lives.